Our First Grandchild

Shelby Michelle, our precious little one. You went to heaven even before you were born.

With a nose like your mom’s and coal black hair your three pounds – so tiny and your complexion so fair.

Your feet are like your dad’s and your fingers so tiny and slim. Your skin soft and smooth like a sweet cherubim.

God already knew you before you were conceived. And he also knew that we would be grieved.

For we longed so to hold you and rock you to sleep. Now our heart aches for we only imagine and weep.

But God in His wisdom knows what is best. We need only to trust him and in his design rest.

For you are with our relatives who love you immensely, too, all waiting for us to join them when our journey here is through.

Yes, you are in Heaven now in the arms of Emmanuel. One day we will see you again our little Shelby Michelle.

Love, Gramp and Granny Adams

by: Belinda Jo Adams